All in Writers' Haven

No Joke: I Pulled In Over $50k in 9 Months as a Freelancer. Here’s How.

Growing up, I was taught never to talk about money or — especially — salaries. If I asked, I’d hear words like, “rude”, “none of your business,” and “that’s information for grownups.” Well, it’s now 2021, and times have certainly changed.

Here’s a piece I wrote about how I got into freelancing, including how much I make doing it.

Hope this helps anyone looking for information and inspiration. Let’s just hope I don’t get spanked for sharing.

About Christine Wolf

Christine Wolf is an award-winning journalist, columnist and editor. Her writing has appeared in the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Runner’s World, Better Humans, The Ascent, Invisible Illness, P.S. I Love You the Post-Grad Survival Guide and other publications. As a direct result of her writing, she’s been featured on HuffPost Live and in the Chicagoist, Women’s Health, and Sarah Moshman’s documentary Nevertheless. She’s the Founder & Editor of Women This Way, a digital magazine dedicated to stories by and about individuals who identify as female, as well as Founder and Owner of Writers’ Haven LLC, a co-op and consultancy for established and aspiring writers. Wolf also co-authored a biography about two former members of the U.S. Congress; it’s scheduled for a 2021 release.

How To Craft Your Artist's Statement

Why is it so overwhelming to write an artist’s statement? How long should my artist’s statement be? What goes into an artist’s statement? What’s the difference between an artist’s bio and an artist’s statement? In this August 2020 presentation to the members of Evanston Made (, I break down the process into manageable chunks so you can identify your unique strengths and describe them in a way to help you connect to your audience — and beyond.